Saturday, July 13, 2013

Kids Vacationing on Their Own

The girls (all three) have been in Florida with family for a month. For Chance and I, this has been a wonderful respite from the everyday hustle and activity of kids. For them, I think it will be memories that last a lifetime. They are staying with my mil, but are also seeing aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. We see the family occasionally, but usually on for a few days. This is the first time the kids have spent a longer period of time getting to know their family....and for the family to get to know the girls. The hardest part of them being gone for a month is Arionna's anxiety. She misses us. REALLY, REALLY, REALLY misses she told me for 45 minutes on the phone the other night. I will admit, those conversations are the life right out of me. I remind myself...this is GOOD for really know what it is like to not be with us everyday. And, it is GOOD for her to stretch outside of her comfort zone. Now, if I can just make it through the next few days until they come home..all will be good!

Have you ever sent you kids on an extended vacation without you? How did you/they handle it?

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