Wednesday, June 16, 2010

OSF Part V

In the middle of OSF sits a train car. There are tables in the train car. Arionna has yearned to sit in the train car for YEARS (yes, I know she is only 6).

When we were seated, Arionna was very disappointed that we were not seated in the TRAIN. I explained that to sit in the TRAIN there could be no more than 4 people at a table. But, when Kaylee went to college (is that really on 2 years away??), we could sit in the TRAIN.

Half-way through our meal, we are once again discussing the TRAIN and Alora pipes up with, "Oh, I thought it was a bus." ????? "Oh yeah, now I see the track."

Ok, so really, the "train" is a trolley car (hence the mascot of the children's menu being Walley the Trolley). But, that is not as we are sticking with train.

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